
With offices in San Francisco, Pittsburgh and Milan our diverse team brings together many different skill sets and perspectives. With a genuine passion for helping our clients achieve higher business and environmental success, our team takes a no-nonsense approach to our work.
Having worked through projects in most industrial and product sectors, AlbatrossESG is uniquely positioned to create value for our customers. While ESG is now quite important to public companies, our privately held clients are also benefiting from enhancements to these same metrics.

Banks, private and institutional investors, and the public all now care about ESG. And while ESG used to be viewed as a niche score relevant only to mission-driven investors, its explosion in importance in recent years has as much to do with risk management as it does with the current demands of our modern world.

We are here to serve the needs of your company. We can employ a variety of mechanisms to achieve your goals. Importantly, we don’t undertake superficial projects with the goal of improving ESG ratings alone. Our projects, first and foremost, stand on their own good business sense.

Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us below. We’ll be sure to respect your time as well as ours.

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